
Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Cruelty Of The Mental Hospital

The Cruelty of the Mental Hospital By: Jing Yi Xiao Good unexampleds argon in the intercept make into a movie, whether it is two years after the maintains publication or ex years. However, the transition from brisk to movie is not without complications. Usually, the plot of the novel is too keen-sighted for it to be full included into the movie. Therefore, changes atomic number 18 made in the storyline by the movie theater director to adapt it into a more suitable plot. When Ken Keseys One Flew oer the clowns Nest was made into a movie, the in-chief(postnominal) division that was kept by the director, Milos Forman, was the scratchiness of the cover. However, Forman chose to enter the element with variant techniques than Kesey. Kesey presents the cruelty by the usage of antique Bromdens inner thoughts and flashbacks while Forman presents it primarily through facial expressions and dialogue. Although the techniques use by Forman to show the cruelty of the ward be different from those of Kesey, he showed the element effectively, enabling the viewer to fully show the position the patients are in. From the novel, One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest, the most important element that is kept by Forman is the cruelty of the ward.
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It is the underlying reason behind many of the patients actions, much(prenominal) as the rebellion when all the Acutes went against Nurse Ratched, the head nurse, by voting with McMurphy to watch the World Series (Kesey 124). It is what McMurphy fights against in his flak to wake the patients to the Outside. By choosing to include this element, bo th Kesey and Forman give the commentator b! rainstorm to the events that occur on the ward, especially the rebellion at the end where oldtimer Bromden escapes the ward and its cruelty. Ken Kesey shows the cruelty of the ward through Chief Bromdens inner thoughts. He allows Chief Bromden to state the entire story, giving the events feedback and how he, as a patient, reacted. This gives the indorser appreciation on what it feels like to be committed to the...If you exigency to originate a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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