
Monday, January 13, 2014

Investigating the effect of temperature on the action of a protease enzyme on exposed developed film

Investigating the notion of temperature on the action of a proteinase enzyme on tin candid actual film Plan stick: The aim of the experiment is to find come to the fore what effect temperature has on the action of a protease enzyme on exposed veritable film. Enzymes ar biological catalysts. They atomic number 18 crop in livings things built up by amino acids to make protein. Enzymes are able to speed up reactions and can reduplicate reactions. There are various factors that affect the exercise of enzymes they are: Y Temperature Y pH Y Specificity Y Concentration of enzyme or substratum Enzymes are specific, this kernel that they besides work on one substratum molecule. A substrate molecule is what the enzyme actually works on. The factors I have elect to investigate are temperature. This therefrom means that the temperature lead be the independent variable. In the experiment there leave fanny be a transparent plastic backing of developed film, which go away have a black gelatine discharge on it. The gelatine rise is protein, which is the substrate molecule. I will put the film into protease solution, which is the enzyme. By having the gelatine showing I am able to see what happens to the gelatine come out when the temperature increases. I can find out if temperature affects the action of a protease enzyme.
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Prediction: Enzymes have an optimal temperature, which is generally down the stairs 400C. The optimum temperature is when enzymes works best and fastest at. When the temperature rises the rate increases. This is because the substrate and enzyme molecules are moving faster because the temperature has i! ncreased. This means that the molecules have more than energy. They therefore are likely to collide more very much with separately other and a reaction will make up place. barely if the temperature goes over the optimum temperature the reaction slows down and the... If you command to piss a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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