
Monday, January 13, 2014

Gender, feminism and religion

Gender, feminism and religion A)         Identify and explain two reasons why church building service attenders be predominately female? (8 marks) 1)         Females sustain lower rate of conjunction in paid acetify and this, it is argued gives women to a greater extent than time for church related activities, and more motivating for a source of individualized identity and commitment. with a solidifying of free time on their hands it is belike they bequeath attend church more. 2)         Women atomic number 18 more religious than men and they be more likely to extract a greater interest in religion, and have stronger ain interests which mean they may attend church more to tape their commitment to their religion. B) Examine the extent to which religion acts as an element of social control                   everywhere women. (12 marks)                  Religio n acts as an operator of social control everyplace women as in the consecrated books such as the bible and Quran it says men are in charge of women. Even though there are many a(prenominal) female characters in the biblical texts and some are portrayed as acting charitably or bravely, and the prime part are reserved for males, there is no female same to Moses for example, and in the New Testament wholly the apostles are men.
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The closely prominent females in the Bible, Eve and bloody shame baffle of Jesus, serve to reinforce patriarchal ideas regarding the dangers of female sex action and the virtues of m otherhood. Buddhism is also dominated by a p! atriarchal exponent structure in which the feminine is mainly associated with the secular, powerless, profane and imperfect. This whitethorn act as an agent of social control over women because some men might believe they have the practised to control their wife and tell her what she can and cant do, as they may see it from a religious point of view... If you want to put down a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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