
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cuban Revolution

Cuban Revolution On March 10, 1952, General Fulgencio Batista overthrew the death chair of Cuba, Carlos Prìo Socarrás, and canceled all elections. This angered a newfangled Fidel Castro, and for the side by side(p) seven old age he essay to overthrow Batistas government. On July 26, 1953, Castro led an attack against the war machine barracks in Santiago, nevertheless he was defeated and arrested. Although Castro was sentenced to 15 years in prison, Batista released him in 1955 in a show of arrogant power. Castro did non rearwards down and gathered a new assemblage of rebels in Mexico. On December 2, 1956, he was again defeated by Batistas army and fled to the Sierra Maestra. He began using rebel tactics to fight Batistas armed forces, and with the guardianship of archeozoic(a) rebellions throughout Cuba, he forced Batista to resign and flee the terra firma on January 1, 1959. Castro became the Prime Minister of Cuba in February and had about 550 of Batistas associ ates executed. He soon suspended all elections and named himself President for carriage, jailing or executing all who opposed him. He constituted a communist government with himself as a potentate and began dealing with the Soviet Union.
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Cuba and USSR Join Aligns However the attraction for Castro was not merely magnetic his group actively sought the digest of the USSR from their early days in power. Early in 1959 capital of the Russian Federation began providing secret assistance to Cubas armed forces. On 30 September 1959 the Soviet presidium voted secretly to rouse capital of Poland Pact weapons to Cuba . On 1 October 1959, Soviet information ag! ent Aleksandra Alekseev arrived in Havana, to establish the first direct governmental haystack between Moscow and the top Cuban leadership. Soviet prime(a) Anastas Mikoyan visited Cuba in February 1960. The significance of Cuba to the USSR at this point was well summed up by Mikoyan, who told Dean Rusk, You Americans must realize what Cuba means to us old Bolsheviks. We have been waiting all our lives for a community to go communist without the Red Army....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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